Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Busted PC

Hi everyone! Sorry been out. My PC crashed a few days ago. Then a day after that it failed to start. Brought it to a computer shop to have it's busted power supply replaced and now - well, its still not working -- a busted hard drive maybe? Kept displaying an error message that says "windows encountered a fatal error" and wouldn't load anything up.

I'm just at a cafe now - thank you everyone for dropping by even when I'm not around. I am scheduled to leave for Cebu on the 27th and will leave for Bohol on the 28th. I should be back home on the 31st. I so much hope and pray that the PC gets fixed before I leave - so much to do and so little time to do everything.

I better go now and get some sleep - will be working tonight. Been working straight since the 18th. I am supposed to be on my rest day today but since I moved my rest day for the trip -- well....I really don't have much choice but to drag myself to work for 9 nights straight! (lol).

Special thanks goes to Cacai and to all who came by even during my absence.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Witness to a Crime

I have witnessed a crime. Not really the gruesome, bloody type crime but could have been one. I know I’m not making any sense here.

Let me explain:

Last Saturday morning, at around past 6am, I was with my colleagues Jun and Christian and we were on our way home. I usually get off work and get on the same jeepney ride home with them. We were so busy talking about houses and house – related stuff when this guy got in on the same jeepney as we were and inconveniently got seated beside an unsuspecting girl who was very busy texting. Now, why did I say “inconveniently”? Well, the jeepney was neither full or empty – meaning there was enough room for atleast 6 to 10 more people but that man chose to sit right next to the girl even when there was a lot of room at the other side from where he was seated. At first, I kept staring and glaring at him for being so rude because he kept nudging the poor girl for more space so he could fit and sit in. After a few minutes, his intentions and agenda became clear to me. He skillfully placed his bag to where his other hand was – so it is hidden and covered from prying eyes. After a few minutes he placed his bag on his lap --- and the girls bag was wide open! And still – the girl was soooo busy texting!!! I was fighting the urge to tell the girl who was seated across me. Instead, I kept on nudging Christian’s elbow (who was sitting right next to me) and when he asked what – I discreetly pointed a finger to the man’s direction. At this time, he was again busy with his hands inside the poor girl’s bag! Christian nodded as if to say he saw it. We were now both watching the man doing his crime and neither of us could lift a finger to help the victim! Why? Because not far from where we were seated was a man who also kept glaring at us as if watching our every move. I suspect that it was the man’s accomplice. Usually, one will get stabbed or killed if you try to expose them right then or there. So we just kept our silence and pretended everything was okay. I got off the jeepney with Jun at a block away from my usual stop as I didn’t feel safe going off the jeepney alone and all by myself.

I still shudder remembering the other man’s glare at us – it was like getting a silent death threat. My only consolation was I made sure I remember their faces – so the next time I see them or get in on the same jeepney ride with them, I’ll know what to do.

I just feel lucky that they didn’t harm us that day. And I still feel sorry for the man’s unsuspecting victim.

If you have any similar experiences, please do share them with me and enlighten me. So the next time, I’ll be much more prepared.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Planning for Long Overdue Trip

Sorry for the long absence everyone. I have been quite busy lately as I needed to plan for my upcoming trip to Bohol. Yes – finally! I am going to Bohol! I will be leaving for Cebu on March 27th with my good friends Sang and Gal. I and my friends have been planning and saving for this trip for so long – LONG as in like a year! We are planning on our one-time-big-time experience at Regency Hotel’s Sky Rise. After a night in Cebu, we intend to leave for Bohol and stay there for the next 3 days. Sounds like fun, right? I am so looking forward to it! Yipeee!

I have been out the past few days looking for bags and etc. I needed a traveling bag and a sleeping bag. And believe it or not, I spent the last 2 days looking for a sleeping bag and finding none anywhere in the CDO area!!! Can you believe that? What’s so surprising and frustrating is none of our malls here are selling them anymore. A saleslady in SM told me “Ma’am, we no longer have that available and that product has actually been phased out.” All I could say was “Since when?” (lol!) If you were there, I swear you could have seen the big question mark plastered in my face! (lol). Anyway, I’m just really surprised that malls here in CDO would prefer to sell the “Traveling Mattress” and the “Inflatable Traveling Air Bed” – and you would need to purchase and carry it’s pump separately too, unless of course if you really want to blow air on the bed yourself – well, then be my guest. For me, nothing beats the practicality of having / owning a sleeping bag. It’s not only light weight; it is also compact and neat. And unlike the traveling Mattress and Airbed, it is not bulky.

Anyway, I finally found a sleeping bag online. And the best part is, they are selling the items in Peso. They are a company in Manila and they offer 2 to 3 business days of shipping. And if you’re in the same area as I am, I suggest you check them out at: http://www.t3ckoutdoor.com/.

I will be posting more soon! And will definitely keep you all updated! Sorry for missing out on my daily EC droppings everyone – will make it all up to you I promise!


Friday, March 6, 2009

You Shouldn’t Meme Tag

I just got tagged again! Yehey! This is really great! I love getting tags! I got tagged by my good blogger friend Cacai, from http://www.cacainadjourney.com/. I still have a pending tag (Bag Tag) to post. Will be posting it when I get home later as I am at work now. Thank you Cacai for tagging me. I really enjoyed answering this Tag – it made me think really HARD! (lol!)

Take heed and check out the rules for this tag:

The Rules:

1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Tell 7 unspectacular quirks on yours.
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
5.Link the person who tagged you.
6.Leave a comment for each blogger.

Here are my answers:

7 facts about myself:

1. I don’t and never eat anything with liver or heart in the recipe. I don’t know. My mother used to say I eat pork / chicken liver / heart when I was little. But now… well… all I can say is “Ewwww!” LOL!

2. I have always thought I was a Catholic when I was growing up. I joined school activities including Rosary prayers and only found out I was a Protestant (UCCP) when I was in high school – when I was asked by our school to get confirmed! Please don’t get me wrong – a person’s religion is not a big deal for me as long as they live life the way Christ wants us.

3. I grew up the boyish way. My childhood memories are more about climbing trees, falling off from them, falling into a deep drainage system in our area than playing with dolls. And no, it’s not your typical 2 to 3 feet deep drainage/canal. I fell into a 4 to 6 feet cemented drainage / canal and my brother had to call and gather all our playmates to help me out. LOL!

4. My favorite cartoon character of all time is Donald Duck.

5. I would rather stay home and sleep than go out and be with the crowd on my rest days.

6. My first pet was a chicken that I named Hetty. I was around 9 or 10 yrs old when I had her. A few days after she laid eggs she disappeared. Someone cut her leash and stole her! It left me so broken hearted back then. I loved her very much. I even remember waking up early in the morning so I could walk her out to where the grasses are – along with my brother and his chicken too. He named his chicken “Porky”. Memories like these really make me smile and laugh to my hearts content.

7. My greatest fear is losing the people I love. When my parents had a vehicular accident 5 years ago, I started to understand how heavy my responsibilities are as the eldest child in the family. I had a brother to take care of and I was jobless at that time. I’m very thankful that our parents are still with us. I feel blessed and I’m really thankful for that.

7 quirks that I have

1. I still bite my nails (especially when I’m nervous).
2. I sleep when I’m bothered by something.
3. I can’t bake - unless it means baking a pizza! (Well, more like re-heating it actually! LOL!)
4. I can’t grow anything (except Mongo Beans!). I am a very bad gardener while my father is very exceptional with it.
5. I swear a lot when I’m upset / angry.
6. I sleep with my cell phone right next to me.
7. I take a bath with my cell phone with me – I just put it on top of our medicine cabinet so it wouldn’t get wet.

I would like to pass this tag on to:

1. Jonaver of http://www.jonaverslife.com/
2. Madame Apro of http://ruthrush.blogspot.com/
3. Bless of http://www.blessconfessionsofanarmywife.com/
4. Mommy Emma of http://memoirs.lecio.us/
5. Shawie of http://anemptycup.blogspot.com/
6. May of http://mylee-may.blogspot.com/
7. Dutch Boy of http://lammert-au.blogspot.com/

I hope you enjoyed this tag! C’mon and join the fun!


Being tagged and the missing camera scene

I have been tagged by my fellow blogger Cacai. I hope she doesn’t feel bad that I haven’t posted my Bag Tag yet. You see… well… I have been sick lately and have not been able to clean out my messy bedroom. It looks like a jungle now – and I really mean it LITERALLY! With just 3 more nights to go before my restday, I am now more determined to clean my room so I can locate all of my stuff. I hope they would miraculously resurface as we speak now – but then again, that would have been spooky! (lol)

Cacai, I hope this post will say it all. I really appreciate being tagged – my first tag! I will make it up to you – as soon as I find my camera, that is.

Thank you so much for bearing with me. Life is much more bearable when you have good friends to share the good and the bad times with.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Joining Blogsvertise

Today I finally decided to join Blogsvertise. Most of my fellow bloggers has been earning through their blogs. So I thought “Why not join the fun?” I hope this will turn out productive and fun for me as well.

If you are blogger like me, who’s looking into monetizing their blogs – please do check Blogsvertise and join them now. Registration is free and all you have to do is blog about the things you love!

Monday, March 2, 2009

My February Top 10 Droppers

February has ended and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my daily droppers. Thank you so much for dropping by and visiting even when I am unable to return the favor because of health related issues. I will make it up to you, I promise.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Here are my Top 10 Droppers for February: (clap, clap, clap, applause!)
Please take the time to check these blogs out. I really enjoy their posts and I’m sure you will enjoy them too!

Happy blog hopping and may we all have a very blessed month ahead!
